The completed garden...
A closer look...
We actually have some onion!
(it really didn't grow that fast...I planted the stalk)
All in all, I planted 15 things: tomato, green onion, spinach, zucchini, cabbage, cucumber, cauliflower, lettuce, carrot, broccoli, watermelon, parsley, basil, cilantro, & lavender. I hope I wasn't overly ambitious about fitting all these things into our tiny little plot. I might have been, so we'll see if they grow or not. Plus I put the seeds directly into the ground and didn't germinate them in a pot first, making their chances a little slimmer. I do have one advantage though, I did grow up on a farm, so we'll see if all those years of planting, weeding, watering, you name it, has made my thumb as green as I hope it is ;) If anything, it'll be a great learning experience for Kaila who loves to help out with the 'gah-den.' Anyway, wish my plants luck!

(it really didn't grow that fast...I planted the stalk)